General Education Recertification FAQ's

Yes. All General Education courses will need to be recertified to align with the new General Education learning objectives and the new domain (GA, GH, GHW—previously GHA, GN, and GS) and foundation (GQ and GWS) criteria. Courses that do not have any of these designations but are W (Writing Across the Curriculum) or US/IL cultures do not have to be recertified.

According to senate legislation, courses will be recertified over the next three years. Recertification will be completed by the end of the spring semester 2019.

Yes. The General Education designation/attribute will be dropped. This will not happen without notice and consultation.

A reasonable amount of agreement among the disciplinary community is an important first step for recertification. Technically, the proposal can come from any unit that teaches the course, but it is likely the unit that originally proposed the course would submit the proposal.